Jim Spickard's Courseware Sites

List of Courses

I retired from regular course teaching in August, 2020 — a year earlier than I had planned. I left my course sites up for two reasons.

  • First, they contain several useful resources that teachers and students have found useful.

  • Second, I like the memories.

You are welcome to use the resources and ideas for your own work.


Former University of Redlands Courses:

SOAN = Sociology & Anthropology
EVST = Environmental Studies
REL = Religious Studies
MVC = Media & Visual Culture Studies

Professional and Graduate Workshops:
(I haven’t retired from doing these.  Write me if you would like me to present these at your university.)

  • Intensive Workshop on Social Research — 1-3 days
  • Intensive Workshop on Qualitative Research — 1 day
  • Intensive Workshop on Ethnography — 1 day
  • “Your Research Project”: a workshop on improving research (3 hrs)

Older University of Redlands Courses for which I never developed websites:

  • SOAN 100: Introduction to Sociology
  • SOAN 302: Quantitative Sociology
  • SOAN 360: World Hunger