Jim Spickard's Courseware Sites

SOAN 347: Visual Ethnography


Click HERE to visit the course site for May 2019

(I am still updating the handout links after moving this course site;
please check back later if a link does not work.)

This May Term seminar explores the use of visual media in ethnography.  The course includes in-class analysis of ethnographic photography and film, ethnographic field trips to local sites, digital lab work, and the completion of an ethnographic project using still photography.  Course topics will include:

  • Cultural differences in visual perception, especially variability in culturally standard ways of seeing
  • Photography as an ethnographic research tool
  • Photography as a means of ethnographic presentation, especially the shifting standards of what counts as ‘ethnography’ and the differences between ethnographic photography and photography used for other ends.
  • Practical experience documenting and presenting cultural scenes.



Venice Beach/Santa Monica Relationships 5

(All photos on this page are copyright (c) 2013 by Jim Spickard)